Thursday, July 28, 2011

Chicago, here I come!

Tomorrow morning I'm off to Chi-town, the Windy City, CHICAGO!  I'm visiting my little, Jenny and grand-little, Lindsey, from my sorority days.  This trip has been a long time coming, since the last time I saw Jenny was June 2009 . . . at Lindsey's wedding!

If this weekend is anything like the last time we saw each other, I'm looking forward to:

p.s. Mini-me, the fist bump won't be the same without you. "I like you, but you're crazy."

I wish I had a scanner that was working, because I could share some priceless pics of when Jenny and I went to Key West in 2004 and I got caught in quicksand.  And then I fell into some rocks out in the ocean and got stuck for a minute.

hehe this weekend will be AWESOME!  I'll post the awesomeness on Monday!

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