Friday, October 7, 2011

Spooky Happenings and Weekend Plans

When we were walking Sandy last night, we saw a neon green meteor last night! It looked a lot like this:

It was awesome!  We had just come out of the house and we were heading west when the bright green fireball light up the sky.

Tonight, we are going to see Dracula at the Melbourne theatre, The Henegar Center.

Random fact about me: Dracula by Bram Stoker is one of my favorite books.  If you've never read it, it's a perfect pick for the month of October!  I wrote a paper at JMU entitled "Dracula as a Metaphor for Anti-Colonialism" and it was chosen for an undergraduate paper conference.  haha nerd alert!  I was into vamps way before the Twilight and True Blood crazes!

Tomorrow, we are heading to Tampa to visit Scott and Melissa . . . and AMY!  She is going to be in Flo-rida for the weekend!  We are super excited to see her :)  Half of HH will be woop-wooping it up!

p.s. 17 days until my birthday!

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