Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sunset, Car Wash, Cockroach?!?!?!

Justin and I were in awe over the sunset last night!  It reminded me so much of Hawaii.

We washed our cars for the first time - it's amazing how much easier it is to do stuff like that when you have a garage and a driveway!  Don't they look good?

Funny story - I had my first "BIG" bug encounter last night.  I was putting the recycle out and breaking down some boxes that we had in the garage.  I had pulled them all out to the curb and was working on breaking them down when I saw that sucker, what the southerner's like to call a "palmetto bug."  In Virginia we call that a GIANT COCKROACH.  It was HUGE.  and FAST.  I, of course, did my standard "yelp!" and scurry, and my adrenaline was up as usual.  I was determined to kill that sucker though.  I got out my new Ecosmart Ant and Roach spray, which is supposed to be all-natural, good for the environment, but still "kill bugs on contact."  Phooey!  Bologna!  (Is it Boloney when you are using it in this context?)  It took 10-12 looooong sprays until that stupid thing stopped running so much.  Let it be known that I was too scared to get closer to it, so Justin was the one doing all the spraying.  At one point, I thought the bug was going to run out into the road and the oncoming car was going to take care of it.  No such luck.  Justin pointed out that it "may be more effective just to stomp on it."  Yeah, and I'll give myself a heart attack in the process.

Perhaps it's time to see a therapist to help me with my "bug" issues?  Nah!  That's what Justin is for!

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