Thursday, January 31, 2013

January Re-cap

 For starters, I'm kind of in shock that it's the last day of January.  This month flew by!  Since I was so bad about posting, here is a recap and an update on how my New Year's resolutions are going!

Sarah and Christy came for a visit in mid-January and we had an awesome girls weekend.  Justin babysat Lila almost all day on Saturday, so we had lunch at Yellow Dog and went shopping!
The view at Yellow Dog Cafe

It was such a rejuvenating weekend for me.  The transition to motherhood has been relatively easy, but it was nice to feel like pre-mom Lauren again, even if just for a few hours!  It was also great to get together and celebrate our 8 year friendship! Their visit marked the official first "friends from Virginia visit us in Florida."  Hopefully we have some more this year!

I know this is probably the least shocking news: Lila is a total bookworm.  She loves to listen to and look at books.  We read every day (usually more than once!).  As you can see, Sandy likes to listen too:
While Sarah was here, she was telling us how she likes to read the "Pride and Prejudice" board book with an English accent.  I loved this idea and started doing it myself.  I also picked up "Skippy Jon Jones," which has plenty of opportunities for a Spanish accent.  "HOLY GUACAMOLE!" is my favorite line.  I think I'll buy "Madeline" next to work on my French!  Oui Oui!

Lila also turned four months old yesterday!  She doesn't go for her 4 month appointment until next week because of her immunization schedule, so I don't have her weight and length to report just yet.  I did take these adorable pictures of her:

And now for an update on my New Years Resolutions:

1. Complete one sewing project a month. 
Well, this hasn't happened.  I did, however, take my new sewing machine out of the box and set it up on the other desk in the office.  Justin has a shirt sleeve that needs repairing so I may try to do that tonight while he watches Lila and then I will still be on track with my resolutions!  I did buy fabric and a pattern to make a dress for Lila, so I plan on working on that in February.

2. Complete one DIY house project a month.  
I recovered a lamp shade and spiffed it up real nice.
Here is the before shot:
I got fabric on clearance at Jo-Anns for $1.15 and used a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to clean up the base, metal mesh top, and cord.  It turned out pretty ah-mah-zing, if I say so myself.
After, unlit
After, lit up! 

I put it in the sun room, where we only had one other lamp, so I am really liking the vibe in there now!
3.  Walk Sandy and Lila once a day during the week.  
This one is going well.  I have only missed 3 days of walking the whole month of January!

4.  Continue to exercise, but ramp it up and re-start Turbofire for reals.  
I'm halfway into week 3 of 12 in Turbofire and it's going well too.  Haven't missed a workout!  And I fit into two pairs of pre-pregnancy jeans - score!  I still have at least 10 pounds to go though!

5. WRITE!  
Didn't think that this was going to happen, but I was actually inspired by my girls weekend with Sarah and Christy and have started writing.  I have 3 paragraphs . . . but hey, it's a start!  

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