Monday, August 26, 2013

Perspective . . .

Justin and I already find ourselves taking "Florida" for granted, even though we've only been here a little over 2 years.  We hardly get to the beach even though it is less than a mile away.  (Although Lila and I have gotten better and we usually get there once a week for a couple hours).  We had an amazing sunset last week that made me appreciate the beauty of where we live:

I actually ran inside and grabbed my telephoto lens to snap these - so glad I took the extra two minutes. After looking at these pictures, I realized we have a TON to be thankful for about where we live.

For example . . .
I get to stay at home with Lila because the cost of living here is affordable!
Justin's commute to work is 15 minutes.  And he gets to go over a gorgeous river to get there.
Our post office is painted pale aqua.
I only fill up my gas tank once a month.
I get to wear flip flops pretty much year round.
We've made some amazing new friends!

Those are just a few reasons we feel so lucky to live here!

All of this contemplating got me thinking about the blog too, but unfortunately in a more negative way.  I've thought about retiring from it several times . . . I just don't have the time I'd like to commit to it and I hate to do things halfway.  I also feel like while all you non-Floridian readers are up-to-date on our lives, and we don't know much about what's going on with yours!  It becomes too one-sided for me.  We rarely get comments on posts so it's not like we can even have a dialogue that way.  The blog has also become a glorified online photo album and it didn't start out that way.  My writing is suffering . . . but I haven't decided for sure yet.  Everyone's probably noticed I have been slacking on my posts.  I just don't feel as passionately about it anymore.

I guess my passion has become this darling girl:
"Mom, I'll just write the blog.  It's about me anyway."

"Can you proofread this?"

No more blog?!?!?!?!
The "contemplating" will continue . . .


  1. aww thanks! I will probably keep doing it . . . the family will probably be in an uproar if I don't!

  2. I love reading your blog! And it is such a great way to record time and memories. Thanks for sharing a glimpse of your life with us! ♥Erin
