Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Gratuitous pics for all you Lilaphiles

I couldn't resist snapping a few more pictures of Lila bean today.  Since she was born we've taken around 8,300 pictures.

Sidebar: I am not making up this number.  I just selected all of the events since September 30, 2012 on iPhoto and it tells me how many photos there are.  Now, not all of them are of Lila . . . but I think I can say with certainty that 75% of them are.  Yes, that's 6,200 pictures of a child who isn't even a year old.  Kind of daunting when I think about making her first year slideshow!

Another sidebar: Did you know that I am a total nerd for math?  Even though I was an English major, I love "calculating!"  Random Lauren fact of the day.

Anyway . . . here are pictures 6,201 through 6,2011!

Big girl eating her fruit

Love that grin

Inspecting packages

I want that car

And that dress (hmm wonder where she gets her taste from?)

Mom, seriously.  You have an addiction.

Talking to Sandy

Reading about fly fishing - important stuff!

My two girls

Absolute unconditional unbelievable LOVE!

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