Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wattsa Happening, Hot Stuff?

It's been awhile, I know . . . so here are some updates on life in Flo-rida!

Last weekend, Justin, Sandy and I went for a walk on the beach in the evening and came across a lone baby sea turtle making its way to the ocean.  It was the COOLEST thing to see!  It got stuck in a foot print so I helped it out a little bit.  I am still lamenting that I didn't have my camera.

Then last Saturday, we went to the Melbourne Main Street Fall Festival.  The festival was the entire weekend and hosted tons of artists and musicians/bands.  We bought some really great pieces from a new artist in Satellite Beach.  He does the whole painting with drywall knives.  And then he puts a coat of polyurethane on them, so the paintings can even be hung outside!
Our new art!  Haven't figured out where to hang them yet

At the Melbourne Main Street Fall Festival

It has been pretty hot lately, but we had a "cold" front come in this past weekend and it was around 78 degrees and GORGEOUS!  Sunny, blue skies with a light breeze both yesterday and today.

Yesterday we went down to Vero Beach to see Grandad and Pauline.  Vero was having their annual Arts and Crafts show in Riverside Park, so we headed over there . . . and scored another amazing piece for our house!
The driftwood fish is actually made from cypress that the artist pulls out of the swamp.  He had some really great pieces - we just had to get one!

For those of you who don't know, we have some weird nicknames for Sandy.  Sandi-ago, Sandman, and our go-to, Sandypants.  We were cracking up when we saw this booth at the show!


In front of Trevan's Arch (see below) in Riverside Park

Then we headed to Waldo's for dinner at the Driftwood Inn and I found an ah-mazing replicate of Artie's/Sweetwater's Jambalaya Pasta so you know I was psyched!  It tasted exactly the same!  But the scenery was a little bit better . . .

Since we hadn't been to Vero since we moved down here, I decided a trip to Rita's was in order for dessert.  It didn't disappoint!  It was the perfect ending of a wonderful day.

Grandad, Pauline and Lauren
Justin and I spent some time at the beach today and Justin had his first shark encounter!  There was a large school of mullet and the pelicans were all over the place when Justin went out on his surfboard.  He came back in ten minutes later after spotting 3 or 4 spinner sharks!

We also saw this very cool looking blue-black crow:

He's very appropriate for the month of October, isn't he?  Which reminds me, Happy Birth Month to Me!  22 days until my birthday! :)

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