I've been thinking about topics that I could regularly blog about and frugality is definitely one of them. Good friends and family know that Justin and I live on a budget. Sometimes a very tight one . . . but we do like to splurge on the important stuff! Which is why we live on a budget, so that those big ticket items don't hurt so much.
I've actually been toying with the idea for a long time about starting some kind of budget business to help young people right out of college (or high school). I don't know how many times I've said that if I had my absolute dream class to teach, it would be life skills for high school students (finances, how to lease an apartment, how to buy a car, how to start investing). I think the public school system is seriously lacking in educating our young people on the importance of money management. But for now, with baby number 1 on the way, all of this talk is just a pipe dream that may materialize into something later down the road. I also think that young people should be more open with talking with friends about finances because we can learn from each other, but money is sometimes a very taboo topic.
Some of you reading this may be shocked that I'm this interested in finances. After all, Justin was the accounting major and I was the English major. I have a confession to make. I'm an English major who loves mental math and arithmetic. I'm actually excellent at it - but get me onto the higher maths and it becomes gobbly-gook. I didn't even take calculus in high school (gasp!) and instead signed up for Discreet Mathematics my senior year. When did I learn I loved mental math? Back when I was a "shopper." You have to be able to calculate the sale price of 75% off in your head when you are looking at a classic leather bomber jacket and you're pretty sure you're going to pay $49 bucks for it. (Still have that jacket by the way, still love it).
Unfortunately, the "shopper" I used to be is in the past. When Justin and I were first dating, the accountant in him started checking up on my finances (Do you have a 401(k) set up? How much credit card debt do you have?) Answer 1: No. Answer 2: You don't want to know. And in case you're wondering, the English major in me made him start reading for pleasure.
Anyway, I signed up for my 401(k) and it took me a year and a half to pay off my credit card debt and I was making significant payments every month. As in, no more shopping for Lauren. It felt so good to be debt free that I knew I never wanted to go back. And that's why I started budgeting. It went from a very simple checks and balances back then to a pretty complicated excel spreadsheet now (again, thanks for Justin for his excel savviness).
Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, I'm super frugal. I never buy anything full price. I never buy anything that I don't LOVE LOVE LOVE. And if I bring it home and realize I don't LOVE LOVE LOVE it, it's going back to the store asap. And one way that I save money to buy stuff I LOVE LOVE LOVE (like clothes from Boden), is to buy other stuff on the cheap cheap.
I present to you: Frugal Friday! I'll blog about something I love to buy that's not only cheap, but a great product. I like helping other people save money just as much as I like saving money myself.
Something I refuse to pay a lot for: hair conditioner. And I recently discovered the BEST conditioner I have ever owned in my life. And I've owned a lot - from salon to drugstore I'm always searching for the perfect hair products for my naturally wavy hair that I also like to blow dry and straighten. I need something that does double duty. And this conditioner is the BEST. (Did I mention that already?)
Suave Professionals Almond and Shea Butter Moisturizing Conditioner. $3.50 a bottle for 12.6 ounces.
Those of you who use Suave, know that they like to "compare" their product to salon products. This particular conditioner is being compared to Aveda Dry Remedy conditioner. It's $24 for 6.7 ounces.
That means you are paying 72% less for the Suave conditioner per ounce. And I'm telling you, it works great! We'll see how this whole Frugal Friday idea pans out. Have a great weekend!
I will have to try this conditioner!!