Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Blast from the past - IKEA hacks?

It seems like every time I go to Pinterest, there is another awesome IKEA hack that I want to tackle.  And every time I see these projects, I start to feel sorry for myself that I haven't hacked any IKEA yet.

Until I realized yesterday that I definitely have hacked IKEA.  Four times already.  Seriously, I blame the pregnancy brain!

Not only have I hacked IKEA four times, my first project was back in 2005.  I bet if we scoured the web, the term "IKEA hack" hadn't even been invented yet.  Eat your heart out, Pinterest.  But I have to admit where I got the idea from back in '05.  There was a little half page article in Domino Magazine (RIP, I miss you dearly) about painting the back of the IKEA Billy bookcase.  Since I owned two of them; one tall, one medium; I decided to give it a try.

Of course, this was pre-blogging days, so I don't have any "before pictures."  Here they are!

Sadly, Billy(s) and I parted ways in 2008 when Justin and I were putting our stuff in storage.  See the black ottoman cubes in front of the red couch?  Also IKEA . . .

and I hacked those in 2010.  I bought the polka dotted fabric on sale at Jo-Anns - it was an indoor/outdoor fabric which I loved because they were really durable.

My ottomans and I said a tearful goodbye right before we moved to Florida . . . but I still have my other two IKEA hacks living with me.

I hacked another IKEA bookcase in 2010 - painting the back of it a pretty coral color.

Here's a before shot of the bookcase in my bedroom in Arlington:

And after:
The coral background really makes the bookcase pop now.  We currently have it sitting in our sunroom !

And lastly, my most recent IKEA hack was probably the easiest one.  I changed the knobs that came with our Hemnes shoe cabinet from black iron to pretty green glass ones.  Probably the easiest IKEA hack that exists, but hey, I'm pregnant!

Now that I succeeded in making myself feel better as a Pinterest reader and overall crafty person, I will share with you the one IKEA hack that I know I will tackle in the next 12-24 months: turning the $35 Rast 3 drawer dresser into a campaign dresser.  My guest bedroom is calling for these as nightstands! Click on the link to check it out!  DIY Campaign Chest

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