Friday, May 30, 2014

Lila = 4 months away from being 2!

I couldn't believe it when I saw in my planner that Lila turns 20 months old today.  She is only four months away from being 2! (Which means I need to get on planning her party!)  I told Justin yesterday that lately when I've checked on her at night when she wakes up, she grabs my hand and it's like a little girl's hand and not a baby's hand holding mine.  Tugs at my heartstrings!  I also told Justin that being a parent is seriously the most emotional job in the world.  Anyway, without further ado, here are some 20 month pictures I snapped of her this morning:

Her Cindy-Lou Who face!
Hopefully one of these days I will get back to posting on the blog more than once a month . . . but for now, rest assured the monthly photos will at least be posted!  We'll see what the summer brings for the blog!

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