Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Lila's 19 months!

Okay, so I am a little embarrassed that my last post was for Lila's 18 month milestone . . . the blog has certainly gotten away from me lately.  Here are some pictures from today to celebrate Lila turning 19 months!

She continues to astound Justin and I all the time with how quickly she is growing up.  She is talking so much - still one word sentences but some of the words she decides to say are truly hilarious.  She's a little parrot - attempting to say words like "maniac" and "bracelet."  She is going through a Mary Poppins phase at the moment, grabbing the DVD case and shouting "Poppins! Poppins!"  Whenever she sees or hears a motorcycle, she shouts, "DaDa!" She loves to draw with crayons and put stickers on everything.  She reminds me in the morning to feed Sandy, who she calls "Sheeshee," and Lila has become quite adept at pouring Sandy's food into the bowl.  She has 13 teeth, and I think 14-16 are on their way.  She continues to be the joy of our hearts!  

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