Friday, February 28, 2014

Happy 17 months, Lila!

Well, the blog has officially become a place for monthly photos of Lila.  It seems like it never slows down around here anymore!  Oh well.  All I can do it keep saying I'll be better, and maybe one day it will happen.

I attempted to take some pictures of her today since there aren't 30 days in February:
Putting on her "makeup"
What most pictures taking sessions involve these days!
Why it's impossible to get a picture!  She's running!
Thankfully a car drove by and she stopped long enough to wave and smile!
Here are some more fun pictures we've taken of her recently:
With her awesome megablocks stroller Daddy built
Daddy pretending she's still a baby 
Had to include a close-up!  Those eyes!
All dressed up for a baby shower!
She knows she's cute

The differences between 16 and 17 months has just been hard to believe.  She is talking a lot more, sleeping so much better, but still she is her adorable little self!  Love her to pieces!

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