Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Another month gone by!

Lila's 16 months!  And what a difference between now and last month.  She is really starting to talk more - she can say car, banana (nana), night night, bye bye, Hi (and Hiya!), rock, socks, truck, quack quack, pop . . . it's crazy how much she has changed recently.

One of the reasons I haven't been blogging as much is because I've also had my hands full trying to get her back on a schedule after traveling.  We were having a really tough time with bedtime and her getting up several times a night, so we started the Sleep Lady Shuffle.  Cry it out wasn't working for Lila, but especially not for me!  I am just not wired that way, and she never really wore herself out and fell asleep, instead she got all worked up and was even more awake.  For the past 3 weeks, Lila has fallen asleep on her own (AMAZING) and the most she is getting up is about 3 times a night, but we've had a few nights where she has slept all the way through (DOUBLE AMAZING).  Justin and I were at our wit's end because Lila had slept through the night consistently from 2 months to about 14 months old.  We had it great, we know.

Lila's nap schedule was all thrown off as well, and she was trying to transition from two naps to one.  I think we're finally rounding the bend on the napping as well. . . but it's been a rough January, that's for sure!

Regardless, she has been her adorable little self and here are some pictures I took for her 16 month birthday!

Feeding her mousey

Touching her butt, haha!

Loving on monka

That gorgeous grin!

The most adorable mustache, ever? 
Si, Señor.

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