Monday, January 14, 2013

Lila's Big Weekend

Lila had an action-packed weekend - including her first trip to the beach!  The weather was gorgeous for January in Florida - 78 degrees, sunny, with an ocean breeze.  It doesn't get any better.  We decided to go down to Melbourne Beach with our friends Lauren and Byron.

As you can see, we weren't the only ones with this great idea.
Lila and Daddy
Lila checks out the ocean
I got my feet wet, but the water was FREEZING!
Adorable smiley face!  No surprise, she likes the beach!
We also had lunch out on Saturday with our friends Sean and Jess, whose baby girl Ellie is just 5 weeks younger than Lila.  We went to Skewers, a restaurant we've been wanting to try for awhile.  It was really good food and we sat on their back patio, so the atmosphere couldn't be beat!

Here is a picture of the two cutie pies:
Tummy time!
and Daddy time!
It was a GREAT weekend in Florida!

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