Monday, July 23, 2012

Nursery Progress!

Okay, okay, okay.  I know a lot of you have probably been wondering where the heck I've been the past two weeks.  I was supposed to be posting these pictures a lot sooner!  However, when I returned to  Florida with my mom in tow, the house was not finished.  We dealt with the contractor for another 4 days until we finally had to fire him and kick him out of the house.  Unfortunately, that meant there were some unfinished items: the new doors for all of the bedrooms needed to be painted and hung, the ceiling in the nursery needed painting, and the 2nd coat of the nursery walls needed painting.  Justin has been working like a dog every night after work to finish those items up.  This is what the nursery looked like for a good portion of the past two weeks:

We were feeling better when it started to look like this.  I took this picture Saturday.  As in two days ago.

Yesterday, we pulled up the plastic on the new floors (LOVE!) and put the crib together:

Then Justin went on a tear and put everything else for the nursery together:

Justin also hung the door (along with the doors on the other two bedrooms!) For his first time painting and hanging doors, I'd say he did an excellent job!  We still need to touch up the door jamb though.

That left last night to start putting the nursery together with my Mom (we timed it down to the hour since she left for Virginia this morning!)  I still have some arranging to do and need to hang the art and the mobile, but you can finally get an idea of the beachy nursery I've schemed up for Baby Watts:

Still left to do:
Touch up the baseboard and take the tape up off the perimeter of the room
Touch up paint on the trim and walls
Hang the blinds back up
Hang all of the artwork and the mobile
Put the furniture in their final places
Repaint and hang the bi-fold door of the closet (not pictured)

We're almost there!  We love how everything has turned out so far!

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