Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thoughts on THIRTY

To be completely honest, I haven't had time to really think about this milestone.  Are you surprised? Lila is only 25 days old!  But I do think that thirty has found me at one of the best places in my life so far.

Here's why:
We have a beautiful baby girl, our house is 99.9% done and it feels completely like "home," and we are really starting to find our niche in Florida.  We've met quite a few people our age through me joining Junior League down here, as well as our baby classes at the hospital, and our neighbors . . . we actually have a social life these days!

Other good things?  Even though I haven't been able to blog as often, it has become a huge creative outlet for me.  I also just found out that you can get library books on the kindle (I know, I'm slow on the uptake sometimes), so I have been reading a lot more while I'm nursing Lila.  I've already finished four books!
Plus, my Dad just gifted me his Kindle Fire that he never used, so now I have a tablet to play around with, too!

Last night, Justin picked up food from this great Italian restaurant down the street from us so that we could enjoy some delicious eats but not worry about going out.  Lila was on her best behavior all day yesterday and we actually got to eat our entire meal without her wanting to be held . . . then we watched the season premiere of Gossip Girl and another episode Game of Thrones while savoring our tiramisu!

The weather down here is starting to act like fall, in Florida, that is -- low 80s with great ocean breezes. Although Hurricane Sandy is on her way and we are expected to get a ton of rain.  Even crazier, Justin and I starting dating seven years ago this November . . . my 23rd birthday was one of the first times we hung out together.  It's super cheesy, but life is good right now.  I can only imagine that my 30's will continue the awesomeness!

Me and my baby girl celebrate 30!

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