Sunday, March 18, 2012

Too Many Things to Catch Up On?

Well, I've been dreading this post just because I've let it go so long!  Justin and I have been so busy being homeowners, we haven't had much time for too much else.  Although, as you can see from the blog, I updated my 2012 reading, so I have at least been doing that (mostly in audiobook format during my hour long commute).  I also finally updated the weather app to Indialantic, our new town. 

We feel like we've had a crash course in Homeownership 101.  I probably won't start posting pictures of the house for awhile because in all honesty, we have not really gotten settled.  My work schedule doesn't lend a lot of time during the week to do anything house related, and we've been dealing with some other house issues that are unfortunately more important than picking out new rugs and hanging pictures (the stuff I like to do!)  I have one more week of work until Spring Break (!) and I plan to get a lot more decorating and settling done during my week off. 

Anyway, what have we been dealing with, you ask?  To start, FLEAS.  I guess Florida is having the worst infestation this year because we never got any really cold days this winter.  As soon as we moved in, Sandy got them.  We've done EVERYTHING to get rid of them (I should have Justin do a guest blog about that, because I'm sick of talking about it).  We are still finding a few here and there, but it's leaps and bounds better than when we moved in. We also live next door to a very mean old lady - that happens to feed feral cats.  Hmm, I wonder where those fleas came from? 

Luckily, my Dad and my brother Jack came to visit last week for five days.  Dad helped us get a ton of stuff done!  We replaced the kitchen faucet, fixed bad outlets, installed new ceiling fans, hung up a mantel over the fireplace, and got ourselves outfitted with some very much needed tools.  We felt so much better after their visit!  And we made sure to make time for some fun too:

The Nationals have their Spring Training camp in Viera, which is about 30 minutes away from us.  We saw them trounce the Mets (8-2).

Despite our busy schedules, we've also made time for:

A visit to Tampa to meet Owen Wallace - he is adorable and wonderful and we couldn't be happier for Scott and Melissa!

Justin's family from Ohio and Montana came to visit us as well!  They were in town to do Disney for a week, and drove over to spend the day at the beach with us.  We got to see Justin's uncle David and aunt Ann (Montana), his cousins Shirley and Mick, and his cousin Amanda and her son, Cole (Ohio).  It was so great to see them, especially since it had been since 2009!

Most recently (as in yesterday) we had dinner at Mo-Bay Grille (awesome Jamaican restaurant in Sebastian) for Pauline's birthday! 

Even though it seems like all our time is spent doing homeowner stuff, obviously we are making time for some fun too!  Right now, I'm off to the grocery store for the weekly run - but we are meeting the rest of our neighbors tonight at a cul-de-sac block party!

More to come, I promise!

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