Sunday, July 21, 2013

Lauren Walsh's Bridal Shower

Lauren Walsh's bridal shower was yesterday and it turned out absolutely lovely!  Amanda, Jenn, Lindsey and I pooled our resources together and really pulled off a beautiful spread (and I may have finally figured out what I would rather do when I finally go back to work . . . party planning!)

We decided on an afternoon tea at my house - I already had tea service for 15, and then borrowed Pauline's tea service for 8, which was perfect because we had 23 people attending!  Lauren's mother-in-law lent us the extra tables and chairs and the dining room was transformed:

Seating for 23?  No problem!

Finally getting some use from my mom's wedding china!

Tea bag shaped place cards

Flowers in mason jars - always classic

The yummy tea sandwiches Lindsey made

So much food!  Jenn and Amanda also did an amazing job baking!

"Drunk on Love" champagne punch - delicious!
Amanda's pretty cupcakes

The little details turned out great as well!
Name tags for everyone since most people were meeting for the first time :)

Jenn's amazing banner - "Tea-M Lewis" (Get it?  Tea-M?)

Jenn's fun little ice breaker game
 We took our family pictures down from the beach fence and covered them with pictures of Lauren and Byron.  Then each guest wrote a note on the back in silver sharpie and Lindsey put them in a photo album with clear sleeves so Lauren can see the photos and the message.  Such a great idea!

The bride-to-be looked absolutely stunning, of course!
Amanda, Jenn, Lauren Walsh, me and Lindsey

Lauren and Byron's mom

The two LWs
The maid of honor, Lauren's sister Maureen, Lauren and her mom - so pretty!
A beautiful day for a beautiful friend!  We hope you had a wonderful time, Lauren!

1 comment:

  1. Lauren is blessed with some very special friends. Thanks to all of you lovely ladies for a wonderful afternoon!
