Friday, July 15, 2011

Yellow Dog Cafe - YUM-O!

Pauline and I had lunch at Yellow Dog Cafe today and it was amah-zing.  I'm sure this will quickly become one of Justin and my favorites.  I had the crab bisque soup to start (to die for!) and they had a lunch special that you know I couldn't resist: shrimp and grits!  I was stuffed but Pauline convinced me to share dessert - we ended up with the mango cheesecake - seriously one of the best cheesecakes I have ever had with big chunks of fresh mango inside, drizzled with strawberry sauce and homemade whipped cream.  Of course, it goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, the company was excellent, too!

One of the quirky things I loved about this place is that they incorporate their "yellow dog" in their presentation:
Crab Bisque soup

Mango cheesecake
Justin and I are about to "share" the dessert I brought home for him: a walnut fudge brownie dipped in chocolate - while we watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (gotta re-watch before we go see Part 2 this weekend!)  Yeah, I'm having two desserts today.  As Chris Farley would say, "LAY OFF, I'M STARVED."

On another "yellow(ish) dog" note: Pauline knitted Sandy a little blankie and here is a picture of her using it!
She is spoiled rotten, our little Queen of Sheba

Now that Marley and Sandy have blankies, I think Shelby might need one, too?

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