Sunday, May 12, 2013

First Mother's Day

I just spent the best day with Lila and Justin!  It was such a memorable and wonderful first Mother's Day.

Our little beauty! 
Justin found the coolest card - Hallmark is selling these special ink cards.  It was supposed to be her hand prints, but doing her feet was much easier.

Here's the front of the card (see where he wrote in "feet" next to "hand")

A close-up of the inside:

Holding hands with my girl

She started sticking her tongue out today - hilarious!
Motherhood is hands down the hardest job I will ever do in my life - and of course, the most rewarding.  Every time I look at Lila, I know how blessed I am to be her mom.  And I get to be her mom forever!  Happy Mother's Day to all the moms I know and love!

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